The Dog Show #374 – April 27, 2016
Alexandra Horowitz, canine scientist and author of the book “Inside of A Dog”. Julie and Dr. Horowitz contemplate what it must be like to experience the world as a dog. The two experts draw from their different professional experience on the topic and share a fascination and appreciation of our four legged family members. Then enjoy an interview with Lee Rhodes, owner of Glassybaby, the dog-loving company that donates a portion of all of their sales to organizations related to healing. They even have a piece called “Wet Dog”!
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Hear two dog experts contemplate what it must be like to experience the world as a dog. Dr. Alexandra Horowitz draws from her experience as a canine scientist while host Julie Forbes speaks from her experience as a dog behavior consultant.
Then enjoy an interview with Lee Rhodes, owner of the wonderful company Glassybaby. If you don’t have Glassybaby in your home, you’re missing out!
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