The Dog Show #375 – May 4, 2016
Guest: Canna Companion: Everything you need to know about Cannabis for pets. It might not be what you think! Hear Julie’s story about the incredible relief Canna Companion has brought her old dog “Lois” and learn from the veterinarians who researched and developed this product for over a decade. Could your dog benefit from the therapeutic value of Canna Companion?
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We have been totally blown away by the results we have seen with Canna Companion for our old dog. She was irritable and anxious, as well as stiff. We can’t believe the difference this has made for her and are so relieved and thrilled!
Listen to my conversation with the two veterinarians who developed this wonderful product and get informed about this very legal and very safe option for bringing comfort to your dog or cat.
Visit them online at
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