364: Emma Pearse, author of “Sophie: Dog Overboard”

The Dog Show #364 – February 17, 2016
Talking today with Emma Pearse, author of “Sophie” – a true story about an Australian cattle dog who went overboard while boating with owners off the coast of Australia. Sophie swam to a mostly deserted island and survived for months on her own before identified and captured – and returned to her family!  Just incredible!

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What an incredible story! In 2008 an Australian cattle dog accidentally fell overboard and was lost from her adoring family. They searched and searched for her in the water but couldn’t find. Leaving, heartbroken and assuming that she must have drowned, they had no idea that Sophie was not only alive, but would have survived months on her own on a remote island off the coast of Australia. The best part? They were reunited and lived happily ever after. Remarkable story.
