344: Fighting Doggie Unemployment! K9 Nosework with Miriam Rose

The Dog Show #344 – September 30, 2015
Can you fathom how sensitive your dog’s nose is? Can you imagine being able to sniff out cancer cells? Or detect when someone’s blood sugar drops, just by how it smells? Our dogs are noses with four legs, and one of the best ways to understand how they experience the world, is to understand their sense of smell. Did you also know that there is a canine unemployment epidemic in the U.S.? That’s right – your dog wants to work, and unless he’s lucky, probably doesn’t have much to think think about. The sport of K9 Nosework is one of the best ways to deepen your bond with your dog, provide him with a constructive outlet for his mental energy, and give him an opportunity to use his incredible sense of smell! Dog behavior and training expert, Julie Forbes, talks with professional scent detection training and handler, and Certified Nosework Instructor, Miriam Rose about the wonderful world of K9 Nosework. Just search for K9 Nosework in your area and get your dog enrolled today! It is one the best gifts you can give your dog!

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